“For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.”
~ Neil deGrasse Tyson
I have had the pleasure and honor to work with astro physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. So when I saw this quote of his, it so exemplified the man whom I met and my thinking as well. Each day should be a learning experience that allows each and everyone of us to gather knowledge. But not only gather it but apply it to the bettering of ourselves and others. And, when we can combine that with lessening the sufferings of others thereby improving their lives well — what a great legacy.
Cieaura products help me to accomplish both parts of Neil’s comments. Day in and day out I do know more about how Cieaura is helping people and how I can better utilize this phenomenal product. It also fulfills the latter part of Neil’s statement in that each product does, in its own way lessens the suffering of others thereby improving that person’s life. So here are 8 additional questions that you my readers may have been wondering about. Oh yes the answers are provided too.
Cieaura’s Holographic Chip Technology is a patented process. However there are certain things that I can address in this blog that will not encroach on revealing patent information.
The answer is a resounding, YES.
- Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled test and studies of Cieaura products have been conducted and completed at the highest levels including acceptance and publication through peer review for publication.
WHAT IS PEER REVIEWED? Peer Review is a process used by Scientists and Doctors to find why a study should NOT be considered or published. They look for inconsistencies, inaccurate information, non compliance test practices and/or non-verifiable test results. Only when all of the above are verified as accurate and when there are exceptional positive product values proven, will a medical journal publish the results. Varied formulas and products of CieAura have been published in magazines on the elite “Index Medicus”, the highest recognized publication authority for product studies. With permission, CieAura copied and sponsored the printing of the supplement to the “Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine”.
• How do I know that my chips were not already activated by EMF ( electro magnetic frequencies) during shipment and are now inactive?
- EMF does not activate the Cieaura holographic products. Only your body’s electromagnetic field activates the chips. Microwave ovens, bedside clock, cordless phones, etc. are not a problem. The activation does not start a “timer”. Each of Cieaura’s products only deplete based upon continuous exposure to the human body’s own energy field. As soon as it is removed, it stops.
• Cieaura literature says not to carry them in one’s pocket. Why not?
- They are activated when exposed to the body’s energy. So if they are in your pocket continuously their effectiveness will be reduced when you are ready to use them for that specific or intended purpose.
• Can different types of chips be worn at the same time?
- ABSOLUTELY. These will not interfere with each other and in some cases can actually help.
• Do doctors recommend the CieAura Chips?
- Cieaura has a medical board that uses and recommends the CieAura Holographic Chips. However, if you have any disorder that is causing you health related problems, you should consult your doctor before you use the CieAura Chips.
• Are there any negative side effects?
- No. CieAura products do not introduce new things into your body. There are no drugs or chemicals and they do not create anything that your body doesn’t already have. The CieAura products only influence the body’s existing energies to resonate at their optimum level. And they only influence those body energies that correspond to the formulas being used on a particular chip.
Maybe this example will give a better understanding. Take a piano. Gently press and hold down the keys in the upper register (removing the dampeners) and then strike a key in the lower register some of the piano wires in the upper register will vibrate… but only those in resonance or harmony with the lower key. The others will not be affected and those wires will not vibrate at all.
• Can more than one PureRelief chip be used at the same time?
- Yes. The best way to use the PureRelief Holographic product is to place the chip directly on the point of discomfort. If, pain persist then place another chip on the body directly on the opposite side of the affected area. For example, if the discomfort is on the top part of the wrist, the second chip would go on the underside of the same wrist. It would be like you had a direct line or arrow straight through your affected area from one chip to the other. If there is no significant relief, try putting a chip at the base of the neck (this is referred to as “Putting a chip between the Discomfort and the Brain”). Sometimes on a large area, such as the lower back, 3 or 4 chips can be used to improve effectiveness. Most of all drink water and be willing to give them time to work.
• Are CieAura chips ok to use on pets?
However, animal acupuncture points are different than humans so you may need to experiment with your pet to get the desired results. Note: The PureRelief chip works the same. Place them right on the point of the discomfort.
I will cover some more things about Cieaura that you may not be aware of in upcoming blogs. Keep your eyes and ears open.
LISTEN IN ON THE CONVERSATION as Talk show host TONY D., myself and special guest discuss Cieaura on his radio broadcast, SUCCESS WITH TONY D.
Changing not only the way you think but the actions you take. Here’s to your health.
Chipsterhealth, April 09, 2014
Then, EMAIL ME AT: Chipsterhealth@gmail.com
We can then set up a time to discuss further how I may be able to help you.
EMAIL ME YOUR QUESTIONS AT: Chipsterhealth@gmail.com
Cieaura products do not diagnose, cure, mitigate treatment or prevent disease or any other medical condition.
Content published here is not read or approved by CieAura before it is posted and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Cieaura.