Evolution occurs almost everywhere. Its processes of change occurs at different rates for all things that exists. Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.In some cases it appears to be extremely slow like animal and geological and evolution. In other cases like changing societal norms they moved just a tad faster. However in the last 400 years societal changes have evolved much more rapidly than geological changes. It could be analogous to the speed of sound. And technological changes are arriving now like well — breaking the sound barrier Mach 1, 2, 3 and faster. I know, you were thinking that technological change was moving at lightning speed. Yes it is moving faster but it is hampered, being constrained by a physical aspect of being implemented. But not so with INFORMATION.
Information gathering and receiving began with utterances, cave drawing, probably some type of drum beats or whistles. Then we got the hang of speaking and writing. But we still had the issue of getting it over to the guy up the street or in the next neighborhood, right? So, we had African and Athenian long distance runners delivering written messages. Still too slow. Smoke signals and the drum closed that gap some. Still we needed a less whimsical method, so we discovered the wheel and carrier pigeons. To the wheel we attached ourselves, then animals like mules, oxen, horses and and elephants to speed up the process. To the pigeons messages. With them communications picked up speed. We could plant more and travel faster and therefore communicate better. But we were still hampered by the physical. There is only so fast an animal can run. Besides you need to feed it. Along comes technologies such as boats, trains, cars and planes. Those you did not have to feed — least not food. Some of these were even breaking the sound barrier. But again physicality was the limiting factor. Well along comes radio, television, computers, the internet, phones, and mobile devices. Lo and behold we are transmitting digits at lightening speed and with it the information we want and don’t want. The problem for us again is physicality.
INFORMATION is what is permeating our lives and moving at the speed of light. It is what this blog is allowing me to do — provide information at unprecedented speed at the push, click or tap of a button! How are we as humans able to digest this plethora of information coming at us at unprecedented rates?
While you are thinking about what I wrote above along with my last question here is a new bit of information coming to you. Part of this evolution is how we became better able to address the needs of our bodies in the 21st century. We created tools around 8000 years ago. Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.Rudimentary tools at first. And those tools were used investigate, cut, sew, and hopefully make the human body to be better. They were made out of stones then copper, bronze ( copper & tin), iron, steel ( iron & carbon ), cast iron ( Chinese development ) and stainless steel (adding chromium to carbon steel). There were knives, hooks, saws, drills, needles and sutures. Two huge problem had existed until recent history; the precision of those tools, and the lack of understanding by the practioners of those tools. Yes, there were other issues such as infections and superstitions. But for me our understanding of the human body was just as imprecise as the tools that we were using to do the investigation, cutting, sewing and repairing.
Along comes the AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT around 600 years ago and scientific principles begin moving towards the front of the class. We began to see the need for more precise knowledge and more precise instruments. That insight led to an explosion of the evolutionary processes. Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.We developed better tools — needles, knives hooks etc. because of that precise study and application. The technology of writing and the printing press allowed for a greater spreading of information and with it came collaborations and corroboration of ideas. We developed electricity, which in turn allowed us to transfer information at speeds magnitudes above the wheel, horse, buggy, trains, and even planes. That one discovery alone moved us to a more accurate understanding of sound, light and its components. We moved to the analog recording mediums of records and tapes to the more precise digital storage devices of laser discs and CDs. We now have lasers that can do the job of what knives once did but with extreme precision. The better understanding of light and its application led to creating HOLOGRAMS and seeing that it could not only be used to visually see things differently but realize that it could be a storage device too.
To date, the hologram could be considered the ultimate STORAGE DEVICE, capable of storing HUGE amounts of data on an area the size of a dime or smaller. Take at minimum 50 CDs and imagine the information on each. That hopefully gives you some tangible idea of the storage capacity of such a medium. Information. Information. Information. This is in part what Cieaura has done. Taken the proven modern science of physics, light and holograms and moved the “needle” higher. No pun intended. Cieaura’s has taken the hologram and made them energetic! Each emulates what acupuncture would accomplish in the hands of a skilled practitioner sans the needles. No skill required.
Each hologram has a PARTICULAR FORMULA embedded in it to do a specific function/s — with precision! Each Cieaura hologram communicates with your own body’s energy field and are designed to influence, adjust and bring your body in balance. Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.A PureRelief Hologram communicates to bring your body in balance so your body can better address the discomfort it might be experiencing due to pain. A SinusAllergy hologram communicates to bring your body in balance so your body can better address the sneezing, wheezing and runny nose it might be experiencing Due to allergies. This is what each of Cieaura’s products do, and it is done with precision. ( 80% efficacy and higher published in the INDEX MEDICUS PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL FOR ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES ). It is so good that there are no side-effects, nothing enters your blood stream ( this is what the term non-transdermal means), no drugs are ever used.
Think of what Apple has done with computer interfaces and its iPods and iPhones and iPads — taken something complex and made it user friendly. Cieaura has done the same. It took the complexity of a 3000 year old science of acupuncture based on Qi and meridians and its tools, needles, and evolved it onto the form of an energetic hologram on a band-aid looking sticker, making it user friendly for the masses.
Changing not only the way you think but the actions you take. Here’s to your health.
Clarke/Chipsterhealth, APRIL 15, 2013
Then, EMAIL ME AT: Chipsterhealth@gmail.com
We can then set up a time to discuss further how I may be able to help you.
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EMAIL ME YOUR QUESTIONS AT: Chipsterhealth@gmail.com
Cieaura products do not diagnose, cure, mitigate treatment or prevent disease or any other medical condition.
Content published here is not read or approved by CieAura before it is posted and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Cieaura.