What do these drugs hydrocodone, methadone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone and even acetaminophen have in common?
They are the most used drugs in the United States and they do help when used properly. However, the downside is that way too many of you will either become addicted to them, have the potential for adverse side-effects, or die by them. Pain and cold medications seem to be some of the top culprits for misuse and overdosing. 12,000,000 of you have used these prescription painkillers for non-medical purposes. And at least 500,000 of you visited emergency rooms as a result of abusing these drugs. Reported deaths have risen from 4000 per year in 1999 to 15,000 plus 11 years later. That does not seem to be a huge number, but wouldn’t you agree that half a million is? Imagine what the numbers will be in 2014, 4 years later. There is also concern that “children are more at risk for accidental overdose and account for over 1 million poisonings each year.” This should make any of us with children or who really care about our children want to take some kind of positive action. These stats were published in 2099 and 2010.*
Drugs not only enter our systems but must exit. But before they do they can do irreparable damage to other parts of the body, not intended for treatment. In particular, our kidneys and livers that do the heavy detoxification for us are susceptible to the effects of these drugs. Many times the damage occurs progressively and subtley. Other times the damage happens almost immediately. Both conditions can lead to painful failure.
It is one thing if the problem happens because of something unforeseen or natural. It is another when I could be the one creating the physical problem. Why would anyone want to overdose, abuse or not look for alternatives that would either eliminate or greatly diminish the potential long term effects to our essential waste filtration systems? And as if the problem of misuse and overdosing was not enough the procedures for eliminating the poisons are in my opinion unpleasant at least and horrific at worst. They give me pause to look at the things that I am doing to my body now that might cause me great harm in the not too distant future. So I am going to list just a few of the procedures that one might have to endure if our kidneys or liver are severely compromised due to drugs. Maybe these will give you pause as well.
INTUBATION – Insertion of a tube through the mouth and into the trachea to help the patient breath. **
IPECAC – Inducing vomiting using a syrup or other substances that causes vomiting. And, get this, the doctor better know if you have been using some unpronounceable drug that contains tricyclicantidepressants, theophylline or others before this procedure. Other complications could happen. **
GASTRIC LAVAGE – Fancy name for stomach pumping. A flexible tube is inserted through the nose, down the throat, and into the stomach. The contents of the stomach are then suctioned out through the tube. A solution of saline (salt water) is injected into the tube to rinse out the stomach. This solution is then also suctioned out.**
- There are two main types of dialysis – hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
proceedure moves blood in and out of our bodies through an enlarged vein by means of a catheter into a machine that extracts the toxins and waste before returning it via another catheter back to our bodies. Must do 3 to 4 hours per week.**
PERITONEAL DIALYSIS – A surgical procedure allowing the insertion of a catheter into the abdomen wall ( PERITONEAL membrane ) followed by the introduction of A sterile (dialysate). This solution sits in this cavity allowing the peritoneum – the internal lining of the abdomen to filter the waste and toxins. Once the peritoneum does its job of absorbing the waste into the solution it is then drained. This procedure can occur several times during the day or over the night while one is sleeping.**
Has the picture that I have painted vivid enough for you? Has it hit a nerve yet? Do any of these things sound like something that you would want to experience? Has what I have written caused you to pause for a moment — long enough to look more seriously into what you maybe currently doing?
YES, there are benefits to drugs. However, there are some very obvious things that are wrong with them too. ALL DRUGS have side-effects and ALL DRUGS have the very real potential for abuse, and therefore overdosing! These conditions are inherent in the product irrespective of them being taken purposely or accidentally, or being a OTC ( over the counter ) or a prescription purchase. One even has to be aware that the drugs that can assist the overdoser have their own side effect as well. Some people may not be able to use them if they were in that particular situation.
Given all that I have mentioned as well as what you may already know, might you now take a closer look at what Cieaura has to offer?
Cieaura is not a designer pill you swallow that increases your libido, lessens your allergy symptoms, balances your hormones or decreases your discomfort at the EXPENSE of adversely affecting unrelated parts of your body. We are not an energy drink that makes you feel like you have wings. Yet we effectively address those issues above in all of the areas mentioned WITHOUT the LITANY of — watch out for this or it could affect that — concerns. You cannot overdose with any of Cieaura’s products. And below is are the reasons why.
Take out your credit card and look at that funny multi-colored emblem on it. That is a hologram. It stores information. Cieaura is also a hologram with a MAJOR difference — it works on acupuncture principle of Qi ( chee ) and meridians. In other words, it works on and with the body’s energy field like acupuncture does. Cieaura’s hologram does more in that it is influencing, adjusting and bringing the body into a balanced state by communicating with our body. When the hologram is able to accomplish that balance then your body takes over! Think about it. Cieaura is able to tailor each hologram to specifically address discomfort arising from allergies, sleep deprivation, pain, energy issues, hormonal imbalances and more. This process brings about a change to minimize or eliminate your discomfort for virtually everyone who gives the chips time to work.
MAKE NOTE: Nothing goes into your body. There are never any drug used. There are no side-effects. Cieaura is validated at the highest level substantiating these claims. Can your drug make these claims?
TAKE A CLOSER look at what Cieaura is doing and how we are doing it. Nothing is injested, injected or absorbed into the bloodstream — therefore no overdosing. We are out to change the way people work through their discomforts, one chip at a time.
Then, EMAIL ME AT: Chipsterhealth@gmail.com
We can then set up a time to discuss further how I may be able to help you.
Changing not only the way you think, but the actions you take.
Here’s to your health.
Chipsterhealth, March 26, 2014
Juana tells you what Cieaura has done for her.
Cieaura products do not diagnose, cure, mitigate treatment or prevent disease or any other medical condition.
Content published here is not read or approved by CieAura before it is posted and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Cieaura.
CDC document. On overdosing
* http://www.cdc.gov/features/vitalsigns/painkilleroverdoses
FAQS.ORG» Health » Decongestants to Echocardiography
** http://www.faqs.org/health/topics/90/Drug-overdose.html#ixzz2wbssyLjq