“I had discovered that learning something, no matter how complex, wasn’t hard when I had a reason to want to know it.”
~ Homer Hickam
The above quote by Homer Hickam is oh so true. Think about a song that you might have liked enough to learn the lyrics, or a book you really liked and you seemed to have read it at a record pace. Think about the topics in school that interested you which caused you to excell. You were involved. You asked questions. You started having answers. You became more assured about singing that song or talking about that book or conversing in that topic. I am no different than you in that respect. I have found this product Cieaura fascinating enough to be involved, ask questions and have become sure enough about this field of needle-less acupuncture that I have written many topics on the subject. Now I will post a few answers to questions that you may not have known to ask.
Cieaura’s Holographic Chip Technology is a patented process. However there are certain things that I can address in this blog that will not encroach on revealing patent information.
• What makes Cieaura so unique is that holograms are used. Holograms posses the phenomenal ability to store tons of information. For instance one cubic centimeter of film can hold as many as 10 billion bits of information! That makes it ideal for encoding formulas on them as Cieaura has done which allows these chips to emulate what acupuncture does.
• Have you been wondering how these holograms work? In short, they communicate with our bodies. They do so through a process known as bio-magnetic transfer — that works with our human electro-magnetic field. Cieaura’s Holographic Chips use no drugs whatsoever and are non-transdermal. This means that nothing enters the body. This makes them unlike any other so called patch on the market. Those contain drugs and are transdermal. Because Cieaura’s Holographic Chips emulate acupuncture it is quite unique. Unlike acupuncture, you probably won’t feel a thing because nothing goes into the body such as a needle. Also these chips are neither a depressant (alcohol) nor a stimulant (caffeine). You will get however very constant and stable levels of deep rest, energy, mental alertness and more which help towards bettering one’s health.
• We state that Cieaura Holographic Chips have NO side-effects. The CieAura Chips do not introduce new things into your body. There are no drugs or chemicals and they do not create anything that your body doesn’t already have. REMEMBER that these are holograms with formulas on them that influence the body’s existing energies to resonate at their optimum level. And they only influence those body energies that correspond to the formulas being used in a particular chip. An easy way to understand this is on a piano. If you gently press and hold down the keys in the upper register (removing the dampeners) and then strike a key in the lower register some of the piano wires in the upper register will vibrate… but only those in resonance or harmony with the lower key. The others will not be affected and those wires will not vibrate at all.
• Think about this. With a pill one usually has to remember to take one every so many hours. Not so with Cieaura’s holographic chips. Each chip with the exception of the RestQuiet chip ( which one wears only from the time you go to bed until you wake up for 4 to 5 days ) can be worn between 3 to 4 days! Put it on and forget about it.
• Acupuncture works on the bodies energy field called Qi ( chee )? Just as each person is different so is each person’s energy field. As with acupuncture it may take more than one session to get the results that you and the practioner are looking for. Cieaura’s holographic chips work with that same Qi although without the use of needles. Most people will feel the positive effects of these products within the first few minutes to the first 24 hours. Remember though that these chips are communicating with your body in an influencing way to adjust and balance it. Depending upon the nature of a person’s imbalance results could take four to five days of continued use as your body begins to detox.
• How can you be so sure that these chips will work and work effectively? CieAura products have been tested and proven at the highest level. Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled studies been conducted and completed by multiple independent clinics and major universities. The results of those studies were so strong that they we accepted through peer review for publication. Peer Review is a process used by Scientists and Doctors to find why a study should NOT be considered or published. They look for inconsistencies, inaccurate information, non compliance test practices and/or non-verifiable test results. Only when all of the above are verified as accurate and when there are exceptional positive product values proven, will a medical journal publish the results. Varied formulas and products of CieAura have been published in magazines on the elite “Index Medicus”. This is the highest recognized publication authority for product studies. With permission, CieAura copied and sponsored the printing of the supplement to the “Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine”.
I will cover some more things about Cieaura that you may not be aware of in upcoming blogs. Keep your eyes and ears open.
Changing not only the way you think but the actions you take. Here’s to your health.
Chipsterhealth, Jan 13, 2013
LISTEN IN ON THE CONVERSATION as Talk show host TONY D., myself and special guest discuss Cieaura on his radio broadcast, SUCCESS WITH TONY D.
EMAIL ME YOUR QUESTIONS AT: Chipsterhealth@gmail.com
Cieaura products do not diagnose, cure, mitigate treatment or prevent disease or any other medical condition.
Content published here is not read or approved by CieAura before it is posted and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Cieaura.